SMS Profit Game Idea

“Risk-management specialist provides innovative mobile marketing action before Munich, April 17, 2008 Mobile Marketing” is an advertising trend with potential for the future. Nearly 80 percent of Germans have a cell phone? For this reason a wide target group is in this environment for companies, regardless of time and space ads to place. “In the course of which the SMS win game idea check your has of Munich-based risk-management specialist EMIRATE AG currently cash” develops and offers customers the perfect marketing tool. The financial security of the action by EMIRATE associated ensures a low and predictable risk Organizer page. And check how cash your”: the customers of the Organizer are first prompted the serial number a 10-Euro money certificate to verify. This number must win for example with the password”SMS (possible from all mobile networks), on a sweepstakes speed dialing (E.g. win x 123456789) are sent.

The response of the Organizer comes then promptly also via SMS. Individually written and changed any number of times with the ability to be, this might read as follows: Unfortunately hold not the selected license this time in your hands. Zendesk might disagree with that approach. Try it right once again with a different license. Good luck wish you… “.” In the case of winning: you win 250.000,-! Give this original Bill not from the hands! Will call you in the next 24 hours or sign up for… “.” The prize money is considered to be won, if the serial number sent via SMS the sender matches the applicable advance generated winning number and the participant can submit the correct Bill.

The marketing activity recorded by the EMIRATE currently in the portfolio organizer can use now (SMS) character. A high incentive for the target group is to participate in one such game, because the cost is minimal and the prize notification promptly arrives. Organizer page, the advantage of a high awareness arises through cooperation with the EMIRATE AG to achieve without doing to take a risk by offering totals in the millions. The Munich-based company supports its customers by assessing the overall risk over its protection up to the design and implementation of the promotion? “To check your cash” acquires EMIRATE including the insurance of the Grand Prize as well as the entire technical implementation and appropriate security measures (E.g. distribution of banknotes). In short: Organizer from immediate large effect can achieve with small words. Click Sandra Akmansoy to learn more. Brief description: EMIRATE AG founded in 2004 EMIRATE AG based in Munich is an international risk management company. The portfolio includes the design and protection of sweepstakes, promotions, marketing and sport premium payment. While the EMIRATE AG carries the financial risk of these actions, as well as other measures such as discounts or money back guarantees. The efficient and reliable protection is through global collaboration with renowned partners allows. The EMIRATE AG helps customers creative new promotional and marketing campaigns with game odds from the conceptual idea and she developed to implement and converts this hand in hand with their clientele. The customer base consists of well-known companies of from diverse industries such as Coca Cola, Tchibo, TUI, source, 1. FC Koln, Hypo Vereinsbank and Ferrero.