Popular Web Browsers

As probably many of you know, in the early 1990s began to develop the World Wide Web. Then for the transition from one instrument to another was sufficient to indicate the cursor on the highlighted block of text and click the mouse button, and to create the pages needed simple text editor. Thus began appearing web sites. To date, millions of users seeking relevant information, and site owners want to attract users on the resource. And she and the other category realize their intentions through a Web browser. What is a Web browser – the software that lets you view Web sites. The first web browser, has received widespread, called NCSA Mosaic (the developers Marc Andreessen and Eric Bean). The same team of programmers later created the first commercial Web browser Netscape Navigator.

In October 1994, Netscape released the first beta version of its Mozilla browser (Project started Roscom Blake and Dave Highet). In summer 1996, users familiar with Opera (the developers of Norway – Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Geir Ivars). August 23, 1995 Microsoft released Windows 95 operating system, including web browsers are Internet Explorer. Thus, some web sites attract professional developers (design,.

Time Networking

Although it is note that this opinion is debatable, as all people in varying degrees, suffer from a lack of confidence. It turns out that in one degree or another (again), all registered users of social networking exposed This malady of modern mobile society. That is, to get rid of addictions, you must: 1) or simply delete the pages of social networking, or 2) learn how to use these resources to the best of 3) or at the time of installing interlocks, which, incidentally, you can plug in your browser. Which of these options to choose – to decide, of course, to the user. However, it is worth remembering one basic truth: Time – is the most precious and irreplaceable resource, it is necessary to protect and rationally use! As a result, several studies showed that the most important "killer time" is constant and almost continual presence in social networks. On average, users spend on Russia's vast social networks of about 6.5 hours per month. That is, it is almost one third of the day.

However, it is no secret that some of the social the network takes much longer. Overuse of social networks and suffer from occupation, and business in general. No wonder many companies, management decided to install interlocks social networking on the desktop computers of employees. This is done in the name of increased productivity, or at least to save their businesses from losses. According to statistics, by reason of the use by social networks during workflow, the company is losing between 2 and 10% of the profits.

Content Maintenance

Content maintenance plays an important role in today's world. Regularly updated content from search engines is making on Internet sites that have been long time no longer updated. Professional Content Manager and Content Provider specializing in care and offer different benefits in this area. It must first class, exclusive content not to be expensive. The absolutely cheapest way to view the contents of his site is up to date "User Generated Content." This refers to content that is created by users. Not only is this kind of content usually free but it offers another advantage: it saves much effort and time that you write should be to spend their own articles and texts.

Therefore, forums and blogs have one key advantage: the user can actively participate in the events and write their own contributions. Thus the website is updated and more and more content will end up on Google and Co.! This laborious work is offered by professional content providers removed. A detailed content advice may also be of decisive advantage. In a content advisory will specify which articles, pictures and other content should be placed in any manner and in what quantity and number. Leave it to chance, they could later regret. Those who intend to establish a profitable should consider Communty also to hire a professional provider for paid posts and blog posts. Because no user likes to write in an empty, inactive forum. Let initial filling your forum "and develop a strategy that will help you get your community going. Once that is done, you take off your visitors for most of the work: the creation of fresh content.

Tag News

– language of the written channel (to refer to abbreviations of languages defined by W3C). – Copyright information on the channel. – E-mail editor, the channel contents. – E-mail Webmaster channel. – Posted content channel (date and time must be RFC 822). – Date of last change of content channel (date and time must be RFC 822).

– The category to which the channel. – A program that generated the file channel. – A reference to the documentation of the used format of the channel. – A reference to a web service that supports the interface rssCloud. – Life-time in minutes that the channel can be cached.

– Image GIF, JPEG or PNG, which can be displayed with the channel (tag must soderdat attributes, which indicates a link to a picture, which indicates an explanation of the picture, and that contains a link to go on the picture can also be given parameters and). – The rating of the channel. – Text input that can be displayed with the channel. – Information aggregators, the hours can not handle the channel. – Information aggregators which days you can not processing channel. Elements of the tag A tag is a child of the tag. A channel may contain any number of articles, that is, any number of items. Required elements are the tag in the example above, and below lists all the possible options that can be used for news: – the name of news. – Link to full versions of news. – A short version of news. – E-mail the author. – The category of messages. – A reference to comments page. – A media object that is attached to the message (tag must soderdat attributes, which indicates a reference to the attached file, which specifies the size of the attachment in bytes, and that describes the type attachments). – A unique message identifier.

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Now the Internet has many opportunities to build your website. If you need a personal page, then make it not so difficult … Just a few steps. 1) Planning. The first and very important stage of development of the site – a detailed planning.

All errors and flaws of a lot easier to fix when the creation of a site still in its infancy, that is – on paper. Agree, much easier to wipe the whole thing using an eraser, then half a day than mess around with already the current page. The overwhelming number of people believe that on paper should apply only the basic elements of site structure. I assure you that the clearer and more detailed you describe your site, the easier you will be in next! The second phase – development of a clear hierarchy of the site. Somewhere in my address book mark – where and what files are placed to be.

For example, images in the folder img, a third-party page – another, and so on … And actually, before You is a clear site structure, branching system directory showing the hierarchy of files on your site … 2) The program's interface and basic attributes. Well, when this whole thing is ready, it's time to begin creating your first page. Editor, which will vargan page, we call – Macromedia Dreamweaver. You can get it anywhere, and simple – go to the store and buy a CD with the program since the program weighs a bit much 50 mb. Immediately on the note to you: recommend eighth version, because it is based on Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0. Start the editor, there is an inscription on Slap Create New => HTML. Well, before you is the same program in which we will create your first page. Occupies most of the Working Area (visually, it will prepare your masterpiece), is located above the dashboard, and bottom – the properties panel.


With the current development of Web technology is difficult to find someone who does not know about ICQ. ICQ is a program that adapts to different operating systems, and allows millions of visitors of the Internet around the world to produce transfer any files, chat, make acquaintances, to play. Network name is homophone phrase 'I seek you', which in Russian means "I'm looking for you." Almost anyone can download ICQ from the Internet on your PC or mobile phone and get the pleasure of unlimited communication. It is not difficult to download ICQ for free, it needs to download ICQ on your mobile phone or computer, install software, register, get his room and instant notification system with absolutely all the benefits will be available to you. Asya, this is a gentle name stuck to the network as an indispensable tool in everyday life is used very many people. Day ICQ creations allowed to open the way to a new era of Internet technology and now can not imagine how people lived before without such a convenient and useful things. Download ICQ for free – this is one of the first steps to make millions people around the world, when they buy a computer. In addition to standard send short text notifications, ICQ these days offers a lot more interesting services, such as sharing files, sending free SMS messages, transfer of colorful postcards with greetings, send an e-mail notification, audio communication between users, games for all tastes, as well as several other features that make Asya's best friend and assistant in real world speeds and the highest technology.

To date, there are two types of customers ICQ: informal and formal. The original version of ICQ client of you have to download on the official website icq, in addition, each country has its own official localized ICQ. In the Russian Federation have the original ICQ rambler, and the Ukraine have bigmir. As a rule, informal ICQ clients develop enthusiasts who thoroughly know the messaging protocol. These versions much easier and requires advanced users who know that most of the functions askinyh very rarely used. New users choose at first download ICQ official, but then still go to the official.

Miranda and QIP – the most popular "amateur" versions of ASI. These versions use an open source code with lots of plug-ins that allows a person to create for himself as the best option configuration ICQ. You should only download ICQ for free on your mobile phone or PC and find out yourself what features you need, but without What you can and just do without. Connect Clients now receive a nine-digit numbers. And in the beginning were five-digit, which are now highly prized, as well as six-and seven-digit. But first we must download the ICQ, and only then to think about changing your number to a more prestigious, which is less than digits. Progress does not stand still and submit to the moment the PC or phone owners who do not use ICQ, unreal. Necessary ICQ download absolutely free – and the world of communication to you!