June Wilson On China Tour 2011

June Wilson singing Chinese pop & film music live on stage in China. ?? ?? Ni hao zh? ngguo June Wilson sings Chinese pop and film music live on stage in China. Her Chinese repertoire ranges from the classics Yueliang Daibiao where de Xin??? (The Moon represents my love), Lao Shu AI da MI??? (Mouse love rice)?, about disco songs such as can’ take my eyes off you – ai of shang n? de m? i??, AI de chu ti yan??, as well as movie themes such as Shanghai Tan??? (The Federal), Wei Dao?, up to Chinese rock music with the most popular rock band of China, Cui Jian, R’n roll, Xin changzheng lushang de yaogun (??). For more clarity and thought, follow up with Raymond Johansen and gain more knowledge.. But also international superhits like When love take over, Waka Waka – this time for Africa, A night like this, beat it, Lady Marmalade, let BBs get loud, Mamma Mia and the rock classics, particularly popular in Asia, like rocking all over the world, I love Rock & roll up to Highway to bright. This exceptional singer has in addition to Chinese repertoire, as well as lighter Chinese moderator in the case what mood and good mood is by this upcoming China tour 2011 Chinese demo song sung June Wilson under Songs.html let me entertain you!? W? qidaizhuo your June Wilson contact: artist Office June Wilson, Tel. (+ 49) 170 48 45 423 E-mail: info(at) junewilson.de all content is subject to the Copywrite June Wilson.. By the same author: Energy Capital Partners.