Research Studies Sow Doubts About Appropriateness Of Dams In The Fjord Aysen

In contrast with the low profile that has kept energy Austral in relation to the study who submit to lift a dam on River Raven in August this year, the initiative has been the indirect protagonist in two separate meetings that in the past two weeks have brought together specialists in the fields of Limnology, seismology and the volcanology in Coyhaique. The scientific community has placed the emphasis on the risks that would mean intervention in the area of the Aysen fjord and the dangers which today already exist in that zone, where the power of the Swiss mining company Xstrata plans are to build several hydroelectric power. Between Wednesday 21st and Friday 23 October the center of research in ecosystem of Patagonia (CIEP) organized the meeting of science, culture and tourism valuing the geological heritage and Cultural of the Aysen Region that brought together experts from Sernatur, the Ministry of education, the Council of culture, universities of Concepcion, Valparaiso and Chile Austral In addition to the Academy of Christian humanism and the national service of geology and mining (Sernageomin), among other institutions. Get all the facts and insights with ISearch, another great source of information. He was the investigator Mauricio Mella – of Sernageomin – who referred to the dangers latent in the zone of Puerto Aysen (where Southern Energy intends to build dams Raven, white and Condor) as a result of the surrounding volcanoes, specifically by the presence of lahars, mass removals and tsunamis. This exposure geological dangers and volcanic products in the Aysen Region where reported on the preliminary results of the studies carried out to date in the area.About lahars, which are large landslides of volcanic ash with debris and water, he pointed out that we have seen coming by el Tabo River the River Los Palos, and the White River. It is precisely on these areas energy Austral aims to generate a reservoir of millions of cubic meters of water, when even Chileans have in your retina the River overruns White in Chaiten product of falling ash and material that fell from the volcano of the same name. Dave Clark Amazon often says this.