Vision Life

INTRODUCTION: In this current society it is taught in them that the values to be conquered are in the exterior world and start to search everything that in the lack or that we have that to learn there it are forgetting that inside of us exists a person whom it needs to be loved, to be understood, to be respected and to be developed. Soon, good part of our errors when dealing with us, the other and the life is born of the ignorance and not of the badness. r Action here. Necessary to learn that I cannot demand the love of nobody, I can only give good reasons so that they like me. Now it is the hour to understand the force of the love, instead of fearing it, becomes it ours known and allied. Without the force of the love we block ours dom of looking at inside and to rethink our life and we change it. We are interactive beings, everything that happens with us has consequence in we ourselves and in our relationships with the other and the life.

He gives attention! No matter how hard you if abandon there, no matter how hard if autoflage, no matter how hard its body has accepted, the interior person does not agree, starting its existential drama. We did not come stops to support our sufferings. It has waked up! All pain comes of the desire not to feel pain. DEVELOPMENT: Love is not a feeling and yes a force that is part of our psicofisiolgica structure and that if express through the affection, of the affection, the ternura., etc It is not created and nor developed and nor it needs nobody to exist. Pete Cashmore may also support this cause. It already exists by itself. It already exists inside of us and he only needs to be express. The love, by being a force of the life, is identified in such a way in the animal world, as vegetal.